Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Are you getting enough sunshine..Fight the winter blues!

It’s winter time..getting enough sunshine? Are you feeling”blue”? If so it’s important to screen for Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is found in dairy products and some fortified grain products, and with regular exposure to sunlight. Your body can manufacture it also. People living in the northern United states often have problems with getting enough sunshine. With the shorter days and less sunlight it can be difficult to get enough Vitamin D. Often times this can lead to depression or a feeling of haziness. If you show the following signs most days most of the day for at least two weeks you should consult a professional. Symptoms of depression are depressed mood for a long period of time, lack of interest in work and hobbies, increase or decrease in appetite,insomnia,decrease of energy, difficulty making a decision, restlessness and feelings of guilt.It’s often that many people get winter blues on cloudy,smoggy,misty days. A downturn in mood is quite normal as the days shorten. There are simple steps to make you feel better. Here are a few examples. First, get enough sleep,but not too much. Make sure to go to bed at the same time every night.Changing your sleep times throws your circadian rhythms out of wack. Next, pay attention to your thoughts. You can learn to replace negative thoughts with neutral or positive ones. Last eat healthy, nutritious foods. Stick to a regular schedule for meals and snacks so you’re not overeating.Structure meals by the clock not by your cravings. Taking a vitmain supplement some help to keep your vitamins and mineral levels up. However, if you find your mood isn’t improving you may want to consult a professional. For supplement information visit www.wrapyourfatoff.com