Thursday, January 7, 2010

Lymphedema the facts...

What is lymphedema(lim-fi-dee-muh)?
It is the accumulation of lymph in soft tissue with accompanying swelling,often of the extremities:sometimes caused by inflammation, obstruction or removal of lymph channels.

Lymphedema is a condition where the lymph vessels located under the skin fail to transport the lymph fluid back into circulation.The build up of that fluid results in swelling and thicken of the skin, usually in the arm or leg, although it can happen in both. There are two categories of lymphedema. First, is primary which is caused by malformation of the lypmphatic system at birth or may develop later during puberty. The next category is secondary. It is the result of damage to the lymphatic system. For example, a mastectomy,lumpectomy with radiation and/or removal of lymph nodes are a cause. Recently, studies have shown that almost 65% of women who undergo cancer treatment develop this condition. It can appear immediately after a procedure or can be a condition that appears much later.

An inital symptom is swelling with a "pitting"appearance to the skin or if you make a depression in the skin and the indentation does not dissapear right away. Another symptom is a feeling of tightness or heaviness in an extremity.

There is not a cure, which is why early diagnosis will significantly aid in the management plan. In some cases Decongestive Theapy(CDT) is the treatment plan. In addition to CDT graduated compression garments,therapeutic exercise and meticulous skin care may be an option. In some cases insurance may reimburse for these items. For more information contact OxygenPlus Medical Equipment or call 734-429-7444. Visit

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